Trenches Law
Trenches Law is a team of strategic professionals who have lived and breathed the world of fibre, connectivity, and technological infrastructure for many years, and Scriba has supported the company as it has strengthened its position as one of the most renowned legal firms in this fast-growth sector.
Project Overview
Founded in 2017, Sharon McDermott, Trenches Law’s co-founder and MD, set out to fill an important gap in the fast-paced world of electric communications – with a particular focus on telecoms’ legal and commercial advice, Code powers and wayleaves.
And in 2019, when Sharon wanted to further boost her young brand, she turned to Scriba PR after being impressed by ongoing positive profile-raising and business success of Tim Mercer – CEO of Scriba client, Vapour.
Project Details
Although the Trenches team was admittedly slightly cynical of PR at the start of the relationship, fast-forward to 2022 and we are a truly trusted bolt-on comms department for this company – that is ‘far from your average legal firm’.
From month to month, we draft company literature and topical blog content (including a regular guest spot), enter industry awards, manage the social media channels, carry out all media relations activity – including securing and drafting features and press releases – and research potential speaking opportunities for the senior members of the team.
We have been instrumental in launching some of its key services to the public, including its recent EV (electric vehicle) launch and new automated wayleave system in 2020 – designed to save time and money on this previously antiquated process.
Trenches is now seen as a ‘go-to’ voice in the industry, thanks, in part, to a raft of editorial coverage and high-profile commentary across its ‘dream’ publications.
Add to this the array of industry award shortlists (and one FSB Small Business Award win) for both Sharon and the team, and we’re proud to be making a difference to the Trenches Law brand!
Campaign delivery
Targeted media relations
Blog curation – inclusive of liaising with relevant industry guests
Social media management
Newsletter creation
Awards research and entries
Regular PR catch ups
Content for authoritative guides
Securing speaking slots, including podcasts
Liaising with industry bodies for relevant opportunities
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