My work experience at Scriba with Holly England

Excitingly, I left the classroom behind for my first week of work at the Scriba office. It was certainly a change - but one I loved every second of. The team made me feel right at home in my new adventure - and I learned a lot on the way!

The first thing that happened when I arrived at Scriba was a quick introduction to the lovely staff. Feeling welcomed straight away, my nerves were eased, and I could tell the atmosphere here was hardworking - but very supportive.

Still being a high schooler, I arrived prepared for the challenge - but I still had worries too. Not least of all, would I be able to do the work set for me?

On my first day I had a great time, however, it wasn’t without its struggles. I was hot (thank you, heatwave) and a voice in my head kept telling me I couldn’t do it – I think my nerves got the better of me! On my second day, I kept my cool, and I knew I wasn’t going to give up. I came back with a positive attitude and continued with my jobs. I really enjoyed completing them and everyone was so helpful.

My first solo mission was a research task for one of Scriba’s clients, I was asked to find the client’s competitors, or any equivalent businesses and bring them together in a summary document - I really enjoyed getting to grips with this one because I was challenged to find all the information by myself.

The second activity on my plan was also research based - but for a completely different client, in a whole other industry. When I found out the information, I had to present it in an Excel document. Despite never really doing anything like this before, I really had fun with it - because it showed me how to set out information in a different way, and I felt I had learnt a valuable skill. I was also starting to see just how diverse Scriba's work is!

Over my four days in the office, I had so many different things to get my teeth into. I was kept busy and learnt so much, from researching to trying my hand at blog writing. PR is a very interesting profession, because there are just so many different elements involved. In such a short time I learnt lots of new skills which I'm certain I'll be taking into the future with me.

Thank you to the warm and welcoming staff here, I loved it!

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Written by Louise Jaggar