We’re one of Prolific North’s Top 50 PR agencies (again)!

For those of you that know the Scriba team personally, you’ll be well aware that we love celebrating the successes of others – but we’re often a little shy when to comes to ‘blowing our own trumpets’. However, on this occasion, we have some really exciting news to share…

Well, yes, the headline gives it away a little, but we’ll go for it anyway. Drum roll please…

We’ve been named as a Prolific North Top 50 PR agency for the third year in a row. Our humble brag comes as we are chalked up in 29th place – that’s a jump of 9 spots from 2020, and up 19 places from our initial position in 2019.

It’s been a heck of a year for the Scriba PR family, welcoming four new faces at various levels – not forgetting our newest recruit, Rosie Holt – delivering projects on almost every continent, watching our retained client list climb to 52, and growing turnover by 14%.

Throughout all that, we’ve never lost sight of Scriba’s overarching purpose or our sense of soul – and we have Scriba’s founder, Katie Mallinson, to thank for that.

“Don’t ever try to fit into someone else’s shoes. Here’s an empty shoebox to fill – and you had a team of fiercely talented wordsmiths backing you all the way.”

Katie Mallinson (Scriba’s MD and founder)

I’m convinced it’s this empowerment, autonomy, and colleagues who genuinely want each other to be the very best they can be, that helps us continue our upward trajectory, year after year.

Whether they have been here for years or just a few months, every single one of our 13-strong team shares in this success. And we mustn’t forget our clients either. Big or small, they’ve trusted us to tell their stories with as much gusto as if they were our own – and to be a ‘critical friend’.

Thank you to Prolific North for this recognition, and a big congratulations to everyone on the list!

Above all though, thank you to our boss and friend – Katie, this one’s for you.

To see the complete list, click here.

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Written by Ruth Harrison-Davies