Hot off the press in quarter four

In this latest instalment, we eagerly unfold a roundup of some of the most noteworthy client stories that have graced our portfolio over the past three months.

As we delve into the exciting updates and accomplishments, it’s become clear the fourth quarter of 2023 has been an exhilarating and transformative period for not only our organisation, but also for agencies and businesses worldwide. Amid this dynamic and evolving landscape, we’re thrilled to share the milestones that reflect the resilience and innovation across a host of industries. 

We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate the success stories that have shaped a year of change and adaptation.

Innovative shredding in action

In a recent triumph for sustainable waste management, Scriba unveiled the success story of UNTHA UK's innovative pallet shredder, which is revolutionising waste disposal costs for prominent distribution firm, K Engineering. 

UNTHA’s PS1300 machine has been efficiently chipping away at waste wood, enhancing sustainability efforts for the West Midlands company and saving over £15,000 in waste collection fees per year.

Delve into the finer details

Showcasing the demolition prowess of RVA

In other news, RVA Group celebrated the success of a complex demolition project undertaken for a prominent French energy leader. The global decommissioning consultancy played a pivotal role in the intricate program — from strategic planning to execution — demonstrating an unwavering commitment to seamless dismantling of structures and the safe removal of materials. 

The works involved the precise demolition of a 140m-tall concrete chimney stack and a 100m-high hyperbolic concrete cooling tower, both of which were integral components of the closed power production plant.

Read all about it

Bolstering service offerings with key appointments 

In a strategic move to fortify its position in the SaaS realm, eviFile recently expanded its team with the addition of three key hires. The company's commitment to growth and excellence was underscored by a hat-trick of strategic appointments — each bringing a wealth of expertise to further enhance eviFile's innovative solutions. 

The move not only reflects the firm’s dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements, but also positions it for continued success in the evolving landscape of digital transformation. 

Digest the story

An ambitious US expansion

Focused on advancing its presence in the United States, Advetec North America revealed a significant expansion initiative. The environmental biotechnology firm made the headlines with the inauguration of a new office and the appointment of a seasoned professional — director of business development, Scott Owen — to its leadership team. 

Both investments are in line with Advetec’s recent expansion into a new vertical market, as the business targets leading universities aiming to reduce their carbon footprint. Due to their substantial populations, campuses generate large amounts of waste, resulting in growing demands on these institutions to showcase their efforts in reducing carbon emissions. 

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An outstanding contribution to the demolition industry

Circling back to showcase more developments from demolition expert RVA Group, the firm’s founder and managing director, Richard Vann, was granted the esteemed title of Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Demolition Engineers (IDE).

The announcement, made on behalf of the IDE Membership Committee, is a testament to Vann’s four decades of unwavering commitment to both safety and excellence in the field.

Here’s the full story

Empowering over-50s in the finance sector 

Next-Up, a leading authority on unretirement strategies, has revealed a cutting-edge digital platform aimed at providing robust support for individuals over 50 in the finance sector workforce. 

The innovative initiative promises to revolutionise the way professionals in this demographic engage with their careers — offering tailored resources, mentorship programs, and invaluable insights to navigate the evolving landscape of the finance industry. 

Check it out

Paving the way for enhanced digital infrastructure in MDUs and MBUs

And, in a final thrilling development, Trenches Law surged forward with a groundbreaking achievement, solidifying its position as a key player in the digital infrastructure realm. 

Trenches Wayleave Ltd — a subsidiary of Trenches Law — has been granted Code powers, a significant milestone that promises to revolutionise the enhancement of digital infrastructure in multiple dwelling units (MDUs) and multiple business units (MBUs). Hot on the heels of announcing Simon Burckhardt as the new non-executive director, this milestone marks a significant period of growth and expansion for the firm.

Take a closer look

What a quarter, and what a year! We’re looking forward to kickstarting 2024 with a flock of headline-grabbing success stories for our clients. In the meantime, from our colleagues to yours, we wish you a very merry Christmas, and a prosperous new year.

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Written by Alice Kelly